Achieving Universal Self Care
Shower Power works tirelessly to address the widespread need for clean, consistent, personal hygiene resources in New York City. We are part of a citywide effort to increase access to shower facilities and hygiene products until there are convenient, safe, and consistently available resources in every borough. The essential services we provide to our guests is also an entry-point to connecting them to important city and partner resources.

Who We Serve
Anyone who wants a shower.
Reduced access to hygiene leads to increased health risks to body and mind. The physical health risks, both personal and public, are obvious. But being able to keep oneself clean is a basic human need and feeling dirty damages our sense of self and self-worth. Unhoused New Yorkers are routinely made to feel less worthy than their housed neighbors. Everyday, folks who live on the street are denied the freedom to adequately clean and care for themselves.